Child Proof Outlets in Houston, TX

Protect your young children by installing child proof outlets in your house. Call us at 281-451-4245 for appointments in The Woodlands metropolitan area.

Do you have curious toddlers who are determined to stick toys into your outlets, or even remove the outlet covers you have installed? There is a better way to protect your children. You need child proof outlets. To schedule child proof outlet installations at your home in Houston, TX, call our electricians at Allsource Electrical Technologies. We offer top-of-the-line services.

Is it time to upgrade your electrical panel? Contact us to learn about our electrical panel repair and replacement services.

What Are Child Proof Outlets?

When you need to protect your young children from your outlets, you might stick a bunch of plastic outlet covers into the outlets throughout your house. This is a popular method, but it’s not effective. These can actually draw your toddlers to your outlets – and present them with a challenge to remove the cover.

A better solution is childproof outlets. These prevent kids from inserting objects into them, helping children avoid electrocution, shock, and other injuries – or even death.

Call our electrical contractors at Allsource Electrical Technologies for child proof outlets services in your house.

Benefits of Installing Child Proof Outlets

There are numerous benefits to installing childproof outlets in your house. Some of the main advantages include:

  • Make you alert: Having child proof outlets installed in your house will make you more aware of the outlets and help prevent you from keeping an appliance plugged in or cords exposed to children.
  • Protect your children: While you might be worried about your children placing toys, jewelry, or other items into the outlets, they might also try to plug in actual appliances. This can put them in danger if they plug in a device that could be dangerous to them.
  • Protect pets: Your pets can also be curious about your outlets and can harm themselves. Childproof devices can protect them as well.

Protect your computer and other electronics. Call us for dedicated computer circuit installations.

Child Proof Devices: What You Should Avoid

Like everything associated with children, there are a ton of options when it comes to finding childproof devices for your outlets. And, like so many products, there are pros and cons to the various types.

Our electricians recommend avoiding devices that require you to screw plugs in place. These can actually be dangerous and can put your house at risk for a fire.

You should also avoid using plastic plugs that get inserted into your outlets. These might prevent kids from sticking objects – or their fingers – in outlets, but they can also be choking hazards if a child pries one out from the outlet.

To schedule child proof outlet services and child proof outlets repairs at your home, call our electrical contractors at Allsource Electrical Technologies.

Keep your toddlers safe by installing childproof outlets. Call Allsource Electrical Technologies at 281-451-4245 for appointments in Harris County. We offer warranties on all services.